
Here you will find a list of fitness studios, gyms, workout classes and other places in Inca for fitness. Smart Training Inca P...

Fitness Studios - Gyms and workout in Inca Mallorca

Here you will find a list of fitness studios, gyms, workout classes and other places in Inca for fitness.

Smart Training Inca

Personalized workouts center, small groups, postural pilates pilate machines.

Inca Smart training is a training center which offers:

- Personal training from an initial functional assessment.

- Training small group of up to six people, depending goals (toning, weight loss ...)

- Pilates with a maximum of seven people.

- Rehabilitation of posture and back with the help of pilates machines for up to 4 people.

C/ Fray Junipero Serra, 27A
Inca, Islas Baleares, Spain

Smart training inca

Telefon de Contacte: 616 08 30 30


Kick Fabric Club

Muay thai  / Kick boxing in Inca. #kickfabricclub





Crossfit center in Inca

Carrer Joan d’Austria 130
Inca, Islas Baleares, Mallorca

666 80 02 63


 Training Times Inca
Personalized workouts center, injury recovery, toning, weight loss or increase of muscle, nutrition and supplementation!

Preparation firefighters were preparing for police, Guardia Civil, running, TRX circuits sprint cardio workouts for pregnant woemn, etc.

All services are customized to monitor a client.

Calle del Fra Pere Joan Cerdà
07300 Inca
647 69 34 58



Ricardo Marco
Physical Trainer - Injury Readapter

Physical trainer - readaptador in athletics amateur and semipro (since 2010) Physical therapist - readaptador in athletics amateur and semipro (since 2010)

E: info@readaptador.com
P:610 925 800


Just Fit Islas
We are an innovative company in the fitness sector and we have the best German EMS technology in the market (Loncego).
Only the best for our customers.
We have the best EMS systems for the whole body for more than 20 years. And we also have very clear ideas about successful EMS training, as a brand and as a professional and human team.
We have qualified instructors and renowned ex-elite athletes, involved in your achieving your goals.

Miguel Bisellach 14
Inca, Islas Baleares, Spain


Truca 608 83 04 02


Illes Inca
Gimnas, fitness, clases, 
Spa, swimming pool, agua gym, spinning, TRX

C/ Vicente Ensenyat, 43 “Can Melis” – 07300 Inca
Illes Inca, horarios

Monday to friday 07.00 - 22.00
Saturday 9.30 - 13.30


Easyfitness Inca
Big Gym, taekwondo, indoor padel, spinning, aerobic and much more

Monday to friday
7h a 23h
Saturday 9 to 14h and 16h to 21h

Sunday 9 a 14h

Calle de Quarter, 73
07003 Poligono de Inca
Tel: 971 88 40 40

Gimansio Inca Fit

Zumba, cycling, boxeo, muay thai, abdominal classes, etc

Calle Ausias march, 7
Inca, Islas Baleares, Spain

971 50 79 97

Monday to friday
7:00h - 22:00h

10:30h - 13:30h

Gimnasio Rommar Inca

Kick Boxing, boxeo, CHAIU DO KWAN, fitball, fitness studio

C/ Vicens Ensenyat 27, 07300 Inca, Islas Baleares, Mallorca

Telephone; 606739225

Monday to friday

Gimnasio La Cima 
Fisioculturisme Inca

Monday to friday 7.00H A 22.25 H.
Saturday to sunday 9.00 H. A 21.45 H.

Gimnasio La Cima
Calle Torrent Can Tabou, 15
07300 Inca
Teléfono: 971 881 066
Email: cima.info©gmail.com

Caimari, moscari, selva, ariany, petra, sineu, binissalem, salnta maria, lloseta, binibona, campanet, sa pobla, pollensa, alcudia, palma, santa eugenia, senselles,sencelles, costitx, buger, santa margalida, can picafort, 


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